All of me

Just another weblog

Do you Ever Think of Me?

Because I think of you.

I think of fun conversations as I got driven home from work – our 3 am nights and stargazing.

I think of when it was my turn to drive you home and our obscure ramblings.

I think of Pictionary, ice cream cake, and being matchey-matchey without even realizing it.

I think of being able to borrow your clothes.

I think about our Sundae night and the endless crushes (so many boys! So many daydreams of the cute babies you’d have!)

I think about roommate bonding time at the bar.

I think about going to the bar to dance and have fun.

I think about the bus-trip I made and everything that happened that week.

I think about watching Candy Man and other horror movies for the first time.

I think about making mistakes, and being forgiven, because that’s what best friends/sisters do.

I think about Sunday’s at my YSA ward and the many people that helped me get where I am.

I think about the first true adventure I got to take as a single girl and the discoveries I made about myself.

I remember you confiding in me.

I think of you and our weekly dinner/movie dates.

I think of you, our ‘salons’, and how we could be truly honest with each other and still be respectful.

I think of how you made me feel.

I remember being there as we stepped from that life into our new roles of real adults.

I think of you often, and I miss you.

I only hope I could offer a glimmer of nostalgia that you gave me.

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